Friday, March 14, 2014

Air Pacific Media Monitoring, Take Ten (March 10th-14th, 2014)

Captain's log--star date, 03142014. Due to scarcity of time, this will be my final report on airline activity in recent days.

"Airline's lack of information angers relatives"
By Didi Tang, Gillian Wong and members of the Associated Press
U-T San Diego
March 10th, 2014

In a nutshell: Relatives of Chinese passengers who were on board the currently-missing Malaysia Airlines flight have aired their grievances with the airline over their lack of responses to their concerns.

Why this matters: There is no better company philosophy than 'communication is KEY', especially in those occasions where one were to deal with an angry customer base.

"Airlines hurt as Ukraine crisis lifts oil price"
By John Heilprin
U-T San Diego
March 12th, 2014

In a nutshell: The crisis in the Ukraine has caused the price of fuel the world over to go up, alarming those within the global airline industry.

Why this matters: This effectively would affect the cost of doing business for a small airline such as ours, as no fuel means no flights.

"Agency suing American Airlines over tax incentives"
By Don Babwin
U-T San Diego
March 12th, 2014

In a nutshell: American Airlines is being sued by the Regional Transportation Authority for false claims of buying large amounts of jet fuel from a small office in a rural community to avoid tax payments, ones that number in the tens of millions.

Why this matters: Simply put--we can NEVER lie in the face of government oversight, because no matter how clever we could attempt to be, we can still get caught.

"Bad decade: Malaysia Airlines has catalog of woes"
By Kelvin Chan
U-T San Diego
March 12th, 2014

In a nutshell: Malaysia Airlines' reputation has been sinking in the public eye ever since the start of the missing flight incident, with its financial pressures and instances of lack of professionalism coming to light.

Why this matters: In times like this, a PR department's going to be working overtime to help clean up messes this massive.

"Friends Fear USC Graduate Student Was Aboard Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight
By Jonathan Lloyd, Nyree Arabian, Steven Covelman and Conan Nolan
NBC-7 San Diego

March 14th, 2014

In a nutshell: "Friends fear a 27-year-old University of Southern California graduate student was among the 239 passengers on board a Malaysia Airlines jet that went missing last weekend."

Why this matters: Crisis communication needs to be not just practiced by us, but it needs to become a force of habit should we ever face similar events.

As the late Walter Cronkite always used to say: "And that's the way it is."

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